Thursday, November 8, 2007

Let's Get Mikey

Remember Mikey from the Life Cereal commercials? He’s back in the News again. Mikey, who made a name for himself by being the boy who would eat anything (that’s not cute) would later become known as the King of Pop. As you might have heard, Little Mikey Jackson’s homestead, the Neverland Ranch, is officially in default on it’s mortgage and foreclosing proceding has been announced. It shouldn’t even matter, I would think, because he hasn’t stayed in the damn place since his infamous Child Molestation Trail. I say, put the place up for sale; it’s gotta be full of demons.
Mikey, who prefers to be called by his more grown up name of Michael, is going to be the cover Artist on December’s issue of Ebony magazine. I thought this was interesting, because Ebony is known for featuring famous black folks, but I’m not hating. Do the damn thing, Mikey.
In this December’s issue of Ebony you can hear Michael talk about his role as the freak of the industry (and I don’t mean freak in the good since of the word). He also talks about today’s music artists and their lack of innovative ideas. Hey, not everybody can produce a pop culture classic, such as Thriller (how many decades ago?). He is currently collaboration with some big name music artist, like Kanye West, for his next Album (although I personally think the man should let it go).
Anyway, I believe it is a great testament of American Society that a chubby little white kid can go from gracing the front of a Life Cereal box to the Cover story of a major, predominately Black Magazine, such as Ebony.

-One Man’s Opinion. Peace.

Whew. Boy, I hope I didn’t get my Pop Culture Icons mixed up….Naaaa!


Don said...



mp1 said...


Dude, I just bought some Life ceral last night and I was talking about Mikey this morning and how his nasty ass ate everything. That can't be good for marketing. Can it?

I think you in my head. Get the eff out of there!

dc_speaks said...

i just have to wipe the blood from my eyes.

im not feeling the photo shoot pics at all...he really looks weird!

guerreiranigeriana said...

...i still love m. jackson, although i think he has some problems and poor decision making skills with little white kids...i hate, absolutely abhor ebony magazine!!!!...and i have for a while...ever since those fucktools did a piece about influential blacks and had the audacity to feature 'lil kim as a role model for little black girls (and they couldn't even find a fn pic where the bitch had clothes on or looked, they use a pic where she has on her infamous blond 'hair' and blue contacts...great role model for little black girls...)...that was it for me...cancelled subscription so fast...mj's hit serious rock bottom when you let ebony interview you and put you on the cover...damn mikey, damn!!...maybe he'll do a remake of pyt...i love that song!!...

...i agree with dc though...he does look crazy in that pic!

"V" said...

Whaaaat??? I was confused at first (sorry , I'm slow...I admit it)then I saw your foot note :) Michael looks like the Mad Hatter in that picture, and I think you're right, he should give it up, but as long as he's black, black people will support and defend him (sad really)...but then again I don't think Michael has been black since the late 80's LOL :)

One Man’s Opinion said...

Dc, c'mon bro...Looks weird? The brother is weird.

"Fucktools?" Hummm, I like that word.

Mp, you get out of my head, damnit.

V-it is true. Black people will support anybody black, as long as they are famous and there is no voting involved.

BronzeBuckaroo said...

All I am going to say is that you are wonderfully wicked in every post I have read. You are incredibly succinct without being mean spirited. This is a gift, brother. I cannot stop laughing and THINKING!

One Man’s Opinion said...

Thank you so much, BronzeBuckaroo...I promise you, sometimes I read the comments on some of my post and I just don't think people are getting what I am trying to do here. There is a method to my madness and it is nice that some folk get it. I realize that it is hard to get over the use of the word Nigger, but damn it, I have to everytime I type it. Thanks again for making me feel like my typing is not in vain.

Nathan said...

Gosh, there is really much worthwhile data here!
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