Friday, October 26, 2007

Monkey Love

Look at this Monkey Nigger. This is the funniest thing in the world. I post this to give you a Friday laugh. If if makes you smile, or laugh out loud, let me know. If it offends you, let me know that as well and then get over it.
-One Man's Opinion. Peace


Eb the Celeb said...

I've seen this before... Its hilarious... but is that you on the commentary???

coloredgirlswhohaveconsidered said...

Yes, it was funny. Tears in my eyes, smile still on my face funny.

Jazzy said...

Definitely caused me to crack the hell up!

Tafari said...

That was funny! Homeboy was working that slow grind LOL!

Rodney said...

I got a Tuesday morning smile out of it. I found the agressor to be very considerate. it appears he did take the time to lube up before going in. I totally missed the commentary. Sound is off.

yet another black guy said...

okay why say Monkey N*gger?