Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dick Gregory apologizes to the first Black President

I want ya'll to seriously watch this, when you get the chance. Is brother speaks the truth like I could never. In this Youtube moment he actually speaks everything I think and am not capable of putting in to words.

Preach boy! You made me stand up and cheer in my own house.

Tell the truth and shame the devil boy! They didn't know, but now they do, DAMN IT!


Mizrepresent said...

OMG! I loved that, Dick Gregory is so witty...and smart! Yeah, he is the one they definitely would have been worried about!

That Girl Tam said...


Thank you for posting this. It was witty. It was profound. It was the truth! LOVED IT!

D-Place said...

Yeah they said Bill was the 1st Black President. Not his wife...and Black folks were foolish to think the Bill was Black. Dick Gregory always tells it like it is!

Dave Van Buren said...

This was the best video I've seen in a minute. Dude spoke nothing but the truth.

Anonymous said...

I always love Dick Gregory, he appears frequently on the Cliff Kelley show on Chicago's WVON (

He rightfully called out some of the negroes on that stage with him who were the same ones drinking the Clinton Kool-aid ten years ago.

They're with Obama now 'cause he's the "winner." We'll see if they pull an Negro-preachers-abandoning-MLK-in-1967 on Barak if the going gets really tough before November.

At least, ten years later, I can feel vindicated for calling Toni Morrison a fool for giving Bubba honorary homeboy status.

E. Christian Wallace said...

I was watching this..I think last Saturday and I had the same response.

Curious said...

I wonder how many people who saw this or will look at it in the future and will just see the humor against the Clintons but miss the indictment, I believe, he made against black people.

Don said...

Yeah, Mr. Gregory hit some strong points during his speech. I like when he stated how walking around looking all mean won't change anything.

Bill Clinton tricked us too.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

I went to school with his neice, well she was at spelman and i was at morehouse, thats when i met him, he is tight and we had great convos

Anonymous said...

Dick Gregory is the man.

Darius T. Williams said...

This was good...

Jazzy said...

Dick Gregory is definitely the truth. I'll check this out when I'm home later though!

Mz.Bria2U said...

DG has ALWAYS been out cold and never ashamed to tell it like it is!! Good to see him again!! Great post, twin!!

Sha Boogie said...

Wow. and hell yeah!! That was the business right there, seriously.

WrkNProgress said...

This was excellent. Definitely said what needed to be said, and very well I might add.

dejanae said...

Mr. Gregory broke it down
profound and humorous

Anonymous said...

I don't know what One Man saw at the polls in Texas, but I can say as an Ohioan, the Democrats engage in massive voter fraud in my state to suppress the Black/Obama vote. And we thought it was only a Republican disease to bring back Jim Crow in these parts.

Mark my words, you read it here first. There will be evidence of massive voter fraud in Ohio BY DEMOCRATS uncovered in the next few months, led by Ohio's Klansman Governor.

Anonymous said...

State of the Black Union? People still watch this nonsense?

Anonymous said...

just found ur blog...shown ur some love!!!

One Man’s Opinion said...

Captain's a hater.

Booty on the blog. Booty on the blog. What is up, risquediva?

Don said...

@ one man: what do you think about the Hillary Clinton commercial where the black man is being scripted as nothing more than ignorant?

Im shocked the news acts like its no big deal. What kind of ish is that?

Don said...

Then she has the nerves to say that he'd make a good vice president. That shows how fake that woman is - if he's not ready to be president...then he's not ready to be VP.

I hate that woman. Im serious.

One Man’s Opinion said...

Don, I feel you so much. I think Hilary is bitch personified. I live in Texas and it pisses me off that her ass took our state. She is not gracious or anything. Obama at least congratulated her on her victory, but she said shyt to him. If you wins the nomination I promise you she will not get my vote. I have no respect for her. And no, I have not seen that commercial.

Don said...

@ one man: I definitely share the same sentiments. I am shocked @ how fake Hillary Clinton is. I know most politicians have to put on a certain face, but I agree with a statement I heard on CNN last night: Hillary Clinton will kick a baby in the face if thats what it took to get votes.

Im tripping where she stated she would love to have Obama as her VP. Im like damn babygirl, you do realize you are still behind in delegates, right?

I hate a smear campaign.

Don said...

I cant find the commercial on YouTube.

James Tubman said...

all of those juices have gone to his head

why does anyobe listen to anything that comes out of his mouth lol

that brutha got problems

Unknown said...


and it's about time, too.