Monday, September 1, 2008

Out of Pocket

Okay, folks, to round out my outstanding work week (yes, I am being sarcastic, my work week sucked jagged rocks), I will be at the convention center, monitoring the evacuee process. I was cool doing it, when I thought it was just going to be for two days. Surprise, surprise, it is for the who work week, including my days off. Sucks to be me, but I am trying to keep a positive out look. I mean, I could be one of the poor evacuees, right? So, I guess I won't complain.

Well, that's a lie. I am going to complain like a bitch, in my head, but on the outside I will be kind, greatful and pleasant.

I will return to my regular scheduled blogging and blog reading next week (God willing).

-One Man's Opinion. Peace.


Stew said...

well good luck man.

RealHustla said...

I'm sure you'll handle it like a champ. I'm also sure your first post after you get back will be exxxxxcellent.

Freedom In Christ said...

You are doing a great service for the community. I have lived through too many hurricanes and we the "PEOPLE" are thankful for people like YOU! You know there IS two more hurricanes developing right now...Hannah and Ike. So, ON BEHALF OF THE CITIZENS WE THANK YOU ONE MAN!

Make it a Great Day, Each and Everyday!

See yA when you Return.

Peace and Safety!

Q said...

I know it sucks, but I'm sure those people appreciate it. Hell, I appreciate it and I'm not even there. Thank you...

JACK said...

This is the American Spirit in its purest form. Much respect for your honesty. Now STFU and help somebody. *grin*

Miss Lovely said...

hope your ok sir. I said a few words about you on my blog so check it out when you get a chance

cathouse teri said...

I was only ever "in" a hurrican once. I was about four years old. Living in South Carolina. I'd been playing out in the carport with my doll and was using the clothes basket as a bed for her. It got very windy, so I went in, but left the basket outside. I heard on the tv that there was a hurricane coming. My mother told me to go outside to get the basket. I couldn't believe it! She wanted me to go out into a hurricane and get a worthless basket??? Seriously? Risk my life for a laundry basket?

Years later, I asked her about it, and she said, "You are so silly! It wasn't a hurricane. Just hurricane WARNING!"

All those years, I thought my mother loved that basket more than she loved me. :)

Desy said...

don't forget to get yourself outta that ish as well... and hopefully it doesnt hit too hard

Eb the Celeb said...

its a good deed... do it like a superstar... you will feel better after.. helping those in need... is definitely not something that should be considered work.. its uplifting lives

something that cops usually dont do... and yeah I'm rolling my neck and giving you a side eye... cuz u know I dont mess with no

Madam Z said...

I totally agree with what freedom said. "You are doing a great service" and "we are thankful" for what you do.

fuzzy said...

Such a nice soldier! lol haha

Bring back an interesting story, I know there has got to be some off the wall things happening! lol

Taryn said...

helping others isnt always fun. but its good to do

Miss Snarky Pants said...

I'm sure those folks will appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

Be safe!

Sha Boogie said...

I dunno why the word 'evacuees'is silly to me, to be used to describe people..

Darius T. Williams said...

Don't arrest anybody - okay!

soumynona said...

You are a real trooper man, Godspeed brotha