Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Takes It!

When my mom called to tell me that Obama had taken the election I told her that I was going to wait until the last ballot had been tallied. Then I turned the television back on the news and saw McCain give up the ghost, which was his Presidential hopes. And not only did Obama win, but he whooped that ass. I gotta admit that I felt a little bit sorry for McCain. He had to be thinking, “What if…”

You know, I am way behind on my blog readings, but I guess I don’t have to check on my fellow bloggers to see what they will be talking about tomorrow, huh. Anyway, I choose this song because it fit’s the mood and makes me wanna cry all at the same time.

I am so proud of Americans that they were able to put down their racist beliefs and take a chance on something new. But it ain’t over people Now we gotta pray even harder that they allow him not only make it to the Inaugural Ball, but give him his a shot at four years. I hope he doesn’t have to become a martyr to make a difference.

Make no mistake people. God is good. All the time.

-One Man’s Opinion. Peace.


JACK said...

lol - I think "give up the ghost" means he died. Ironic since that's what we fear about our ba-ROCK. He didn't just take it, he whoopeded mccain with palin's wig.

The F_Uitlist said...

I am still high off watching the results (nothing else, heheh).

What a wonderful night!

Freedom In Christ said...

One Man I co-sign this post you said exactly and did actually want i did. i wanted to make sure too that it was TRUE. ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD!

Dave Van Buren said...

fitting song. I went to sleep after they said he won VA. I knew it was over then.

RunningMom said...



Did you see the faces in Chicago? Did you see the tears running down cheeks? Did you see everyone coming together to elect BARACK OBAMA!?!

It's not a trick, it's not a bunch of white folks conspiring to give our mess of a country to the "black guy" so they can blame it on him. It's not. It's people like you and me and all the rest of our intelligent bloggers and friends and family who believed in a man with the ability to inspire a nation to be better, and to do better regardless of skin color.

Remember that today on your journey into work. We can, and we did and he is the next President of the United States!

Miss Snarky Pants said...

I don't know about anyone else but I loved to see the look of defeat on McCain's face.

That coupled with the fact that Obama was elected as President has me on cloud nine this morning.

Linda said...

"I hope he doesn’t have to become a martyr to make a difference."

I hope so too.. I hope he'll never hear one of his audience members say: "Get your hand out of my pocket!" - ifyouknowwhatImean ;)

greetings from the netherlands!

cathouse teri said...

It's definitely a new day. A beautiful new day.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read about this in my son's history book! I'll be able to tell him, I lived through this and have the magazines and newspapers to prove it.

Robyn said...

God IS good.

What a night, what a day, still riding that high. Proud of all the people who got out and got their vote on.


It's a disgrace that he had to be swathed in bullet proof glass , with snipers, during his speech.

I think that he was 'put in' by powerful puppeteers who want t use him for their own agendas.

Go see post at http://nourishingobscurity.blogspot.com

This comment has been removed by the author.
clnmike said...

All the time!

Sha Boogie said...

**doing the cabbage patch** i dont have much time to chat.. i've got to get back to heating up my fried chicken and greens in the office microwave! Go Obama!

Eb the Celeb said...

that's what boggled me so much about the whole experience is that i wasnt even close... i couldnt believe it... whooping mccain's ass is an understatement

Unknown said...

America is slowly but surely coming around...now if we can judge same gender loving people by the content of "THEIR" character we'll be alright. :::sigh::::

Madam Z said...

Oh dear, One Man. Don't even think about that martyr business. That would be so terribly horrible I can't stand to think about it.
I don't believe in God, but if I did, I would ask him to put a bulletproof shield around Obama at all times for the next four or eight years.

In the meantime, I'm just going to be happy, happy that BaROCK (thank you, Jack) won and will be our president! He's got a biiiiigg job ahead of him, cleaning up the mess he inherited.

Anonymous said...

I am an American, and I never had any racist beliefs. I have three mixed race children, and when people said their lives would be "hard" - including their own nutjob of a deadbeat dad who insisted I terminate so that another "black" child would not have to live in an oppressive world - I laughed in their faces. Why? I knew better then, and I know even more now. We are limited by what our eyes behold, instead of following what we feel in our hearts. We certainly do not exercise all of the gifts we were born with (love).

I am sure you have seen your share of horror stories as a law enforcement officer, but please, try a new approach when you think of your fellow Americans...you know, the majority of us who actually voted for Obama and know he is fully capable of leading this nation back to the United States of America it is supposed to be.
Everything is part of God's perfect plan brother. Even YOU : )
Peace, Cas

Darius T. Williams said...

Such a good time right - we're in such great times!

Yo - I told u that book was good!

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

it was realy a historic momment. But we better free our minds and recoginze the real. he is one man and although he sounded good and this is historic, america has to want to change, not to mention many of us

Ms Smack said...

I think he's just fantastic too.

Anonymous said...

I just wonder if people will take all that effort and apply it to their neighborhood or did it die when the news stations called it for Obama.

dejanae said...

he sure is

drevetailimin said...

Sombody else who hates Niggers
Nice to have you in the club.

Ms Smack said...

Beast, I hope you're jokin' mate.